Why field analysis is essential in the adoption of LEAN tools
At EDITAG, we are looking to add functionality to our IoT sensors in a truly intuitive way. The idea is to digitize operational gestures without disrupting the mission of the operator who performs this gesture.

Managing industrial flows to gain in performance and agility: the future is in Hybrid RTLS *
The management of industrial flows consists in organizing the movement of material, or work in progress, during the manufacturing process in order to obtain the best possible performance (productivity, TRS, cycle time, stock, etc.).

What ROI for an IoT location solution in industry?
The machines are bulky, difficult to handle. They are stored by the operators with simple rules. However, finding a machine to complete your treatment takes a long time.

IIoT to improve the productivity and reliability of order picking.
Pick-To-Light is used in particular to help operators prepare orders or kits of parts to be assembled to supply production areas.

The industrial IoT solutions offered by EDITAG are integrated all-in-one solutions.
Whether it is our IoT sensors, our software controller or the communication protocols used, all the components in our range are designed to allow manufacturers to extend their use of the solution.

How to accelerate the deployment, configuration and adoption by teams of an IoT solution?
How to guarantee the return on investment? That the new installation will be commissioned on time?

The “INDUSTRIE DU FUTUR” subsidy and the “FRENCH FAB LOANS” to modernize French factories.
460million euros will be deployed through grants, endowments and support funds as part of these first initiatives.

Smart Factory Connection Tour 2019
Thanks to the companies that welcomed our delegation! Ontario Power Generation O-I Ludovic Valette Heidtman Steel Company Automation Alley Valiant TMS Jean-Marie Evrard Suresh Rama Inteva Products Lear Corporation Detroit Regional Partnership.

IIoT and digital twin
It is essential for manufacturers to have real-time visibility of what is happening on the field.

What is the difference between an IoT sensor and actuator in industry?
The actuator is a hardware device. It transforms digital information into physical action. These can be alarms or switches, for example.

How to build your digitalization project?
Regardless of the scope of a company’s digitalization project, it is important to avoid certain mistakes.

Wireless Pick To Light IoT System
This lighting system exists in different forms: wired, integrated into furniture or trolleys, in LED strip, or as for the systems EDITAG Industries : wireless.