As part of its renovation project, the Musée du Domaine Départemental de Sceau mandated Promuseum to showcase several works of art from the 18th century, including old books, documents, an earthenware plate with the Duke and Duchess of Maine’s arms, medals and a brass pocket sundial.
Promuseum has integrated IoT sensors from Close Protection of Works of Art EDITAG Arts range to secure its heritage display cases.
“The ExpoProtect table display case combines transparency, sobriety and compliance with current requirements in terms of security and preventive conservation. The heritage display case is made with inert materials (glass and metal), it complies with the requirements of preventive conservation. A compartment for desiccant and LED lighting without UV emission are also available as an option. ”
For all the information on the showcase, it’s here: Gamme ExpoProtect.
This is not the first time that EDITAG Arts has equipped showcases.
A display case is a first level of protection against theft, vandalism and dangerous weather conditions.
Adding our IoT sensors makes it possible to strengthen these protections and above all, to connect the showcase.
By being connected, in the event of an attempted theft, the display case can send a real-time message to alert museum staff. In addition, glass breakage or door opening detectors can be connected, for example, to optimize safety.
Our sensors can also measure temperature and relative humidity, so when the defined thresholds are exceeded, an alert is sent.
In parallel with these real-time alerts, it is possible to consult the information from the sensors without opening the window. An advantage when it is difficult to expose the object to the environment of a whole room.
En parallèle de ces alertes en temps réel, il est possible de consulter les informations issues des capteurs sans ouvrir la vitrine. Un avantage lorsqu’il est délicat d’exposer l’objet à l’environnement de toute une salle.
Do you want more information on the connected showcase?
Or on our range of sensors for works of art?
An installation in partnership with Promuseum